Sunday, March 21, 2010

Style Talk: Fitted with Meaning

Do you have an item in your wardrobe that has a deeper value beyond its outward appearance?  Someone gave it to you and you'll wear it grudgingly when you see them?  It's an item that you bought on sale for pennies on the dollar?  At item you bought with a significant other?  A special piece that someone bought you?  It's that one piece which creates a deeper meaning behind the apparent appearance of your outfit.

Sometimes its so easy to get dressed, dolled and glammed up, forgetting the elements that contributed to us looking so good.  I was on my way to a business meeting over brunch at Noe Valley's Toast and I paused to think about what I was wearing.

I looked average, but the value of the elements to me are priceless.
  • I was wearing a printed laser cut cotton hooded shirt which I bought for a steal at TJ Maxx when I was shopping with my mother in law.  A store at one point I never thought I would shop at, but was taken to by my stylish mother in law.  Ever fashionable, she'll wear high end pieces with items she bought at discounted retailers.  This item reminds me of the enjoyable time spent shopping with her and that you'll never know what a good find you might get at a discount store.

  • I accessorized my outfit with a beautiful necklace I bought from Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California.  I was visiting the center when I was going through a troubling point in my life and needed the peace and introspective serenity that the center offers.  The one of a kind necklace stood out to me and was a beautiful memento of my spiritual time at the center.  
  • Another favorite accessory item I wore was my Lucky belt.  Not from the Lucky brand retailer, but an item I bought from the JacquelineTalbot boutique in Hayes Valley.  The buckle designer Lucy's Silver Designs no longer exists and the boutique moved from a retail space to an online store only.  The buckle reminds me of the boutique owners, Jacqueline and Talbot who are a fascinating and fashionable couple living in San Francisco, transplanted from the fashion industry scene in New York.
  • My makeup was from Christian Dior.  My favorite makeup artist in the city is Danmark Bantay, who I found at the Christian Dior counter at Nordstrom's downtown.  Not only did he make me look beautiful, but his infectious confidence, witty humor and uplifting personality kept me entertained and had me visiting him weekly. 

I don't always pause to think about the individual elements of the clothes I'm wearing, however when I do, it makes me grateful to be able to see the value beyond the outward appearance of the item.


  1. hai thk for u great information, nice to meet u, wish all the best to u 6-^

  2. Love this piece. So personal, yet very relateable to the audience.
